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Lawrence Voigtsberger is an accomplished creative and professional designer with expertise in marketing and advertising.

As a Creative Director, Lawrence provides leadership and oversight for all components of 360º campaigns, website design, print design, and other mediums. He has experience managing and mentoring a creative team as well as collaborating with his counterparts in sales and strategy to grow business and expand offerings.

Lawrence is also a freelance designer and website developer for a variety of clients including Carris Reels, Gracious Home New York, Windham & Windsor Housing Trust, Books & Books, The Suffolk Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Allison Dinner Photography, Stuart Wright Builder, and others.

Work + Clients

HarperCollins PublishersHarperWilliam MorrowEccoHarper PerennialPenguin Random HouseDuttonBerkley Publishing GroupPenguinVintageHenry Holt & CompanyFarrar, Straus and GirouxNortonDK PublishingHoughton Mifflin HarcourtLittle, Brown and CompanyAmazon PublishingThe Crown Publishing GroupBooks for a Better LifeCarris ReelsGracious Home New YorkVincenti & Vincenti P.C.Stuart Wright BuilderThe Suffolk Institute for Psychotherapy & PsychoanalysisAllison Dinner PhotographyBooks & Books

Contact Info

Lawrence Voigtsberger
New York, NY



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